Monday, November 20, 2006

Google’s Conspiracy

Since my last post, my site has disappeared from Google’s search results for a few days. During those few days, I wondered whether the rumors were true, that Google backlists certain sites with certain keywords. I even cooked up some conspiracy theories about how Google bans you if your site may create a bad image for Google.

Well, the question has been haunting me until this morning, when I check my keyword again. Viola! My site is once again back to the third position. Here is a screen shot from Google search.

However, this brings up another question, does the traffic technique in the black hat adsense ebook work in the long run. Even though, I am happy for the moment as my site is in the top 3 position just in a few days, will it stay there?

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Black Hat AdSense Secret – An Update

I wanted to test some of the techniques mentioned in the black hat adsense secret book. Well, this is not an AdSense site; you will not find any adsense ads here. This may happen in the future, but not now. Not at this moment.

In addition to all the money making technique using adsense, the black hat adsense secret also claims that you can achieve the following without knowing search engine optimization.

1. Generate instant traffic with “Targeted” visitors.

2. Improve natural search results in less than a week. It claimed that you can put your site name on the top of the search engine for your targeted keywords in a short period of time.

If you have ever run a new site or new blog, you understand how difficult it is to attract visitors. You try some exchange link programs, but all you get are visitors who want to stay on your sites long enough to earn points so other people will visit their site. This has never worked for me.

Although I have used all the seo techniques and used them extensively, I’ve had three fundamental problems:

1. SEO is an art form in itself that not too many people can use wisely.

2. It requires a lot of knowledge and hard work.

3. Too many people know about the techniques. Do you expect your site name to pop up when people search if everyone is doing the same thing?

This is why, the bold claims of the black hat adsense secret book really gets my attention. I want to see if it works.

After three days of testing, I am very surprised that, in addition to tons of visitors, my site is ranked number three today at Google search for my keyword. In just three days, with no seo techniques, my site is ranked NO. 3 in Google search. I can’t believe it, and I don’t know why it happened.

Here is my proof:

Monday, November 13, 2006

Black Hat AdSense Secret – the true AdSense site savior…or a complete waste of your time? The shocking truth finally revealed...

"And it is not what you think…”

From the desk of: Mr. Anonymous
Time: November 13, 2006
Re: Should I get a refund for Black Hat AdSense Secret?

My Fellow AdSense Site Owner,

I hate AdSense sites. I really NEVER do like any AdSense sites. They are very intrusive and ugly to look at, yet they are everywhere in the Internet.

You can NOT shake it unless you are the owner of the site and decided to get rid of it; however, it has become part of the life for anyone in the first part of the 21 century.

The worst part is that, even most of the so-called “Expert” or “gurus” always claiming that we can all make a fortune from AdSense, yet most of the website using Ad Sense are making less than a hundred bucks a month.

Recently, I got a call from a friend of mine who owned a Tai Chi website which had terrible Google page rank and AdSense earnings. To my surprise, he bragged about his new found fame in his family by running a successful self-sufficient website. He was so excited that he had found the secret to AdSense, like a black hat magician.

“Yeah, right. There is no secret, just some crooks trying to make you take out the credit card in your wallet…”

However, I was eager to find out what he felt for this time, and how much more money he had wasted. So, I asked which “guru” he had learned from this time. He didn’t say much, but insisted that I check my email in a few minutes.

I didn’t get to his email until almost 6:30 pm in the evening. It comes with a hyperlink and an attachment.

The link took me to the sales page of the product…. It starts with “Learn the one secret to explode your AdSense earnings before Google shuts down its own back door.”

What a bold statement…

I don’t want to waste my time, so I open up the eBook. It’s a tiny eBook called “Black Hat AdSense Secret.”

“Well, it’s the white hat vs. black hat argument again,” I told myself in a disappointment.

But, since I got stuck in the office, I got nothing to lose by finding some reasons to throw the book back to the face of my friend. (Don’t get me wrong, this is only literally speaking. The poor guy is one of my best friends, and I respect his technical knowledge dearly.)

Validating the Black Hat AdSense Concept

To test the validity to eBook, the easier way is to check my friend’s site out. I entered his site’s URL in Google. To my surprise, the page ranking of his site has gone up from 0 to 3 in a short period of time. Also, I noticed some minor changes to his Google ads—it’s not as intrusive as it used to be.

I needed to know more. The mystery is killing me. I opened the book again. The color scheme was impressive and on the cover page it said,

“The One Simple Secret that Works…”

“Yeah, right, There is no secret,” I reminded myself again. However, no one can argue that this is pretty bold. I wonder if that’s all – a lot of hype.

It didn’t take me too long to finish the book, although it will take much longer time to digest the information. To my surprise, there is no illegal black hat SEO technique being used.

Of course, I can’t reveal to you what’s in the book, but the Black Hat book really blows me away. I can see why my friend’s web site has moved up in Google page rank and his claim in making good money from the secret.

Starting from the beginning, the author did not waste any time to explain what is required to outperform your competitions. What are the killer revenue generating questions you needed to ask yourself all the time? Do you have any clue?

Although the author covered so much material in details, the Black Hat magic concentrated on how to improve your Google AdSense click through rate legally, and most importantly, how to improve the value of each click.

The author also discussed why the use of high paying keyword does not work most of the time due to the law of demand and supply – a basic economic truth, and it pinpointed the flaw in the current high paying keyword approach.

The core of the system is in the 5 steps Black Hat AdSense Process which shows you step by step to skyrocket your Google AdSense earning almost instantly.

Even if you have not read the testimonials in their website, the mathematics behind the process sounds very convincing. Imagine if you can raise the value of each click from 25 cents to $3.00, how much more money do you think you can make every day? Not to mention if you can raise it to $69.00.

To illustrate the five steps process, Black Hat AdSense Secret used three scenarios:

1. New Website or Blog
2. Improving an existing website or blog
3. Maintaining a website or blog

If you have a chance to take a look at it, just the Black Hat keyword selection process will blow you away. It’s so simple that anyone can perform without complicated software. I do believe this is the only explanation for my friend’s Tai Chi website suddenly jumped up in Google page rank from zero to 3 almost overnight.

However, what really blew me away is the Black Hat AdSense Traffic Tricks in Part 3. The goal of the tricks is to drive huge amounts of traffic to your site without spending years of hard work in search engine optimization (seo). The side effect is that your site name will also be on the top of the search result in a short period of time. Although it sounds crazy, it claimed the best scenario is to achieve this in a couple of days.

The Final Word – One More Secret

This is the actual heading of the last chapter. It starts with “There is one more secret I have been withholding from you until this moment.” So, if there is a secret, what do you think it is going to be? The answer is so fascinating that I almost fell from my chair.

So What's The Negatives? What's Missing From The Guide?

Let me be very honest with you. Although it may seem pricey at $47 bucks, this book is pure gold in the hand of people who are diligent enough to use the information. To the people who have used the process, they will agree that this simple eBook, or guide, worth’s thousands of dollars.

That’s no hype talk either.

If anything… the only thing missing is a 24/7 phone support, or even a user forum for practitioners of the Black Hat AdSense Secret. I believe people can learn more from discussing with their peers. Also, the participation of the author will also ensure that the readers have applied the process correctly.

That’s really the only thing missing in my opinion.

You can check out their site at: